Event Calendar
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Book Club
Book Club meets on the 4th Tuesdayof each month for a book discussion.
The group gathers at 10:30 am for snacks and fellowship and discussion begins at 11:00 am.
For more information contact the church office at 214-351-3251.
Breakfast at the Bridge
Join us to serve breakfast at The Bridge Homeless Assistance Center on the first Saturdayof each month from 7:30-8:30 am. To volunteer, please contact Mike Stanley (817-267-6822 or mike@colbystanley.com)
Austin Street Center
Westminster has made a commitment to prepare and serve the evening meal for approximately 450 people at Austin Street Center on Saturday evening, August 17. All are welcome to participate, including children. Much help will be needed in preparing the food and supplies in advance so that it may be transported to the Center that evening. Volunteers will also be needed to serve the meal.
There is a sign-up board in Fellowship Hall for volunteers to bring food. Donations may also be made to the Austin Street Feed the Hungry Special Fund. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and families with children to serve together.
Contact Mike Stanley for information - mike@colbystanley.com